Meet Bobby Busch (AKA Bob Carroll)
Bobby Busch
(AKA Bob Carroll)
Bobby Busch is the mad altered ego of Bob Carroll. Busch is driven by his love of music. While Carroll is a fan of all genres (except Opera if you ask), he has been a rock and roll fan ever since he was a very young boy and found an Aerosmith, Toys in the Attic LP in a trash can.
Carroll came home and pulled the Abba album that his mother purchased through Colombia House off of the record player and discovered a gritty and dirty rock and roll sound.
After a career as a fire fighter and a paramedic was cut short due to a severe shoulder injury, Carroll discovered management as well. He worked his way into the role of developing new business with EMS companies and Hospital’s around the country.
During his stint in management, Carroll found his other love in doing Employee Relations and HR Consulting for some of the largest companies in the Country. He splits his time with his consulting work and Bobby Busch’s Rock Shop where he is currently booking and promoting shows in the Detroit Metro Area. Along with the Rock Shop, Carroll is also the owner of Metro Spotlight - The Detroit Area Music Scene, which is an online and soon to be print magazine focusing on local artists and venues. Carroll’s goal is to bring the Motor City back into the Spotlight after many years of watching the scene begin to be relevant again.
To relax Carroll enjoys going to concerts, photography, podcasting, scuba diving, brewing his own beer and playing his guitars.